Mindful Movements

Mindful Movements

Hosted by: Tiyana J

Resources & Tools for Building Mindful Social Justice Movements

All Episodes


19. Remembering Your Helpers

Cultivate gratitude by acknowledging those who support you. This reflective exercise strengthens your connection to your community and reinforces the power of collective action. Recognising your allies and support...
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18. Mindful Media Consumption

Navigate the media landscape consciously. This exercise teaches you how to consume media mindfully, helping you stay informed and engaged without becoming overwhelmed. In an age of information overload, changemakers...
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17. Bringing Yourself Into the Present Moment

Learn to anchor yourself in the here and now. This practice will guide you through techniques to stay grounded, enhancing your focus and effectiveness in your daily activism and life. For changemakers, being present...
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16. Accomplishing Your Goals

Set and achieve your goals with clarity and intention. This exercise guides you through goal-setting techniques that align with your larger mission, ensuring purposeful action steps. For changemakers, accomplishing...
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15. Becoming a Mindful Person

This exercise will help you cultivate self-awareness presence. As a changemaker, developing these foundational elements is crucial for staying grounded amidst the chaos, allowing you to respond thoughtfully rather...
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14. Letting the Mind Wander

Allow thoughts to flow freely and unstructured. This exercise encourages creative thinking and problem-solving by giving your mind the freedom to explore. As a changemaker, occasional mental wandering can lead to...
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13. Celebrating Others

Foster a culture of appreciation by celebrating the achievements and contributions of others. This exercise helps you acknowledge and uplift your allies and team members, strengthening community bonds. For those...
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12. Awareness of the Changing World

Cultivate an acute awareness of the dynamic nature of our world. This practice helps you stay attuned to social, environmental, and political changes, allowing for timely and relevant actions. For changemakers, being...
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11. Mindful Creativity

Tap into your creative potential through mindfulness. This exercise fosters an open and innovative mindset, encouraging fresh perspectives in your work. Creativity is a powerful tool for changemakers, enabling you to...
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10. Mindfulness of Smiling

Explore the simple yet profound impact of smiling. This exercise promotes a mindful approach to smiling, enhancing your mood and creating a positive atmosphere. For changemakers, a genuine smile can build rapport,...
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9. Seeing Others as Human, Not Labels

Develop the ability to see beyond stereotypes and labels, acknowledging the humanity of everyone you encounter. This practice enhances empathy and fosters deeper connections, essential for inclusive social justice...
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8. Simple Meditation for Mindfulness

Engage in a straightforward meditation practice designed to centre and calm your mind. This exercise is perfect for heightening awareness and cultivating inner peace. For changemakers, consistent meditation can...
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